Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Youtube Silver Play Button 银色播放按钮

Today, I woke up in the morning and going through my youtube comments using my ipad with a cup of coffee as usual. 
All of a sudden, my phone rang, and when I pick up the call is from a delivery guy, at first I though is some random number, guess what, he is suppose to deliver my Youtube Silver Play Button ! 
What a wonderful surprise for me, I wouldn't expect I would reach 100,000 subscriber on my Youtube Channel. 
Thank you for all my subscriber who willing to take the time and enjoy my videos and subscribe to my Youtube Channel.  
A mere thank you is a small way in which I can repay you for what you all have done. But I feel that this is the first step to telling you all how special you all have made me feel.
My gratitude is but a very small part of the way I feel about being a part of the youtube community. This is not a normal award but a recognition from Youtube and all my subscriber. All my hard work and my effort has been recognized by you all.
No way will I go from here without telling you all that I am grateful for all of your supports ! 
I will keep on making my tutorial videos and hope you all can tag along with my baking adventure.

一如往常,每个早上, 我都会一边享用咖啡一边游览我的Youtube频道。

突如其来, 电话响了,一通无来电显示的电话打来,原来是一位快递员通知我要送Youtube Silver Play Button到我家。



很荣幸地我能成为youtuber的一分子,这并不是普通的奖项去,而是YouTube 对我和我的订阅者。一分耕耘一分收获,所付出的努力都得到回报了。



  1. Dear Ms Katherine, Congratulations on your success! I'm one of your fans...love watching and learning from your tutorial videos. Keep up the good works. Looking forwards to more good videos and recipes 😄😄😄

  2. Good Job! Proud of your achievement. Like Vivian above, I enjoy your videos alot & most of your recipes are less sweet & has very high sucess rates.

    Fr Spore.

    1. Thankyou for your support! I will continue to post more video

  3. Kathrine 你好, 我在Youtube 發現了你的頻道, 我自己也是Youtuber。 謝謝你分享了很多好吃的食譜給大家, 而且, 你的影片很真實, 我很喜歡。
    希望有一天我們可以有機會合作拍一支做烘培的影片。 我是你的粉絲
