Sunday, August 11, 2019

Mixed Berries Cake 莓果蛋糕

Ingredients 材料 :

4 egg yolks (蛋黄)
40g caster sugar (细砂糖)
80g corn oil (玉米油)
80ml milk (牛奶)
120g plain flour (普通面粉)

4 egg whites  (蛋白)
80g caster sugar (细砂糖)

For filling 馅料:

300g mixed berries  (什锦莓果)
80g caster sugar  (细砂糖)
60ml water (水)
1 tbsp lemon juice (柠檬汁)
2 tsp corn flour (玉米粉)
1 tbsp of water (水)

1 tsp gelatine powder (鱼胶粉)
2 tbsp of water (水)

300g non- dairy whipping cream (植物性鲜奶油)

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Coconut Buns 椰丝面包

Ingredients 材料:

250g bread flour (高荕面粉)
50g plain flour (普通面粉)
4g instant yeast (即溶酵母粉)
50g caster sugar (细砂糖)
1/2 tsp salt (盐)
1 tbsp sweetened condensed milk (甜炼奶)
1 egg (鸡蛋)
130ml water (水)
30g butter(牛油)

Filling 馅料:
125ml water (水)
70g palm sugar (椰糖)
80g caster sugar (细砂糖)
300g grated coconut (白椰丝)
1/2 tsp salt (盐)
3 pandan leaves, knotted (香兰叶,打结)

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

好消息 ~ 一起买能省一笔哦! Good News ~ buy in bundle to save even more!




My Dear Friends, happy to announce a good news to you, that is, a new published cookbook 
by Teacher Agnes Chang- The Taste of Home. 

Delivery starts on 14 June onwards, we will keep you posted once it dispatched!

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Potato Bread 马铃薯面包

Ingredients材料 :

350g bread flour(高筋面粉)
100g plain flour (面粉)
6g instant yeast (即溶酵母粉)
100g caster sugar (细砂糖)
3/4 tsp salt (盐)
2 eggs(鸡蛋)
60ml water (水)
2 tbsp milk powder( 牛奶粉)
150g mashed potatoes (马铃薯泥)

60g butter(牛油)

80g instant custard powder (即溶卡士达粉)
160ml water (水)

Coconut Buns 椰丝面包

Monday, May 13, 2019

Chocolate Mousse Cake巧克力慕斯蛋糕


Today is Mothers day, I prepared a Chocolate Mousse Cake suitable for all family member, hope everyone will love it.
Wishing you all Happy Mothers day, to all the mum in the world, be always healthy and sweet.

Ingredients 材料 :
4 eggs (鸡蛋)
120g caster sugar(细砂糖)
100g plain flour(面粉)
2 tbsp cocoa powder (可可粉)
50g melted butter (牛油)

Rum syrup 莱姆糖浆:
2 tbsp caster sugar (细砂糖)
2 tbsp boiling water (热水)
2 tbsp rum(莱姆酒)

Filling 馅料 :
250g bittersweet chocolate (苦甜巧克力)
2 egg yolks (蛋黄)
40g caster sugar (细砂糖)
3 tsp gelatine powder (鱼胶粉)
60ml water(水)
350g UHT whipping cream (动物性鲜奶油)

Chocolate cream 巧克力奶油:
50g dark chocolate (黑巧克力)
150g UHT whipping cream (动物性鲜奶油)

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Youtube Silver Play Button 银色播放按钮

Today, I woke up in the morning and going through my youtube comments using my ipad with a cup of coffee as usual. 
All of a sudden, my phone rang, and when I pick up the call is from a delivery guy, at first I though is some random number, guess what, he is suppose to deliver my Youtube Silver Play Button ! 
What a wonderful surprise for me, I wouldn't expect I would reach 100,000 subscriber on my Youtube Channel. 
Thank you for all my subscriber who willing to take the time and enjoy my videos and subscribe to my Youtube Channel.  
A mere thank you is a small way in which I can repay you for what you all have done. But I feel that this is the first step to telling you all how special you all have made me feel.
My gratitude is but a very small part of the way I feel about being a part of the youtube community. This is not a normal award but a recognition from Youtube and all my subscriber. All my hard work and my effort has been recognized by you all.
No way will I go from here without telling you all that I am grateful for all of your supports ! 
I will keep on making my tutorial videos and hope you all can tag along with my baking adventure.

一如往常,每个早上, 我都会一边享用咖啡一边游览我的Youtube频道。

突如其来, 电话响了,一通无来电显示的电话打来,原来是一位快递员通知我要送Youtube Silver Play Button到我家。



很荣幸地我能成为youtuber的一分子,这并不是普通的奖项去,而是YouTube 对我和我的订阅者。一分耕耘一分收获,所付出的努力都得到回报了。


Monday, April 29, 2019

Black Forest Cake 黑森林蛋糕

Ingredients for cake 蛋糕的材料 :
5 egg yolks (蛋黄)
60g caster sugar (细砂糖)
80g corn oil (玉米油)
100ml milk  (牛奶)
120g plain flour (面粉)
30g cocoa powder (可可粉)
5 egg whites (蛋白)
100g caster sugar (细砂糖)

For filling 馅料:
300g cherries (樱桃)
60g caster sugar (细砂糖)
100ml water (水)
2 tbsp red wine (红酒)
1 tsp instant jelly powder (即溶啫喱粉)

Frosting 糖霜:
300g bittersweet chocolate (苦甜巧克力)
350g UHT whipping cream (动物性奶油)
2 tsp gelatine powder (鱼胶粉)
25 ml water (水)

Rum syrup 莱姆酒糖浆 :
2 tbsp caster sugar (细砂糖)
3 tbsp boiling water (热水)
1-2 tbsp rum (莱姆酒)

Chocolate cream 巧克力乳脂 :
50g dark chocolate (黑巧克力)
150g UHT whipping cream(动物性奶油)

Background music:
Music Standard License

Green Tea Almond Nougat 绿茶杏仁牛轧糖

Ingredients 材料 :

500g whole almonds, roasted(杏仁,烤香)

400g liquid glucose (透明麦芽糖/麦芽水饴)
150g caster sugar  (细砂糖)
70ml water(水)
1 tsp salt (盐)

40g egg whites (蛋白)
20g caster sugar (细砂糖)
60g butter(牛油)
100g milk powder (牛奶粉)
10g green tea powder (绿茶粉)


Thursday, April 18, 2019

Chinese Waxed Meat Rice 腊味饭

Ingredients 材料:

1 piece waxed duck thigh (腊鸭腿)
2 pieces Chinese sausages (腊肠)
2 pieces Chinese sausages with liver(润肠)
2 pieces cured meat (桂花肉)
4 mushrooms, soaked (香菇)

Osmanthus And Wolfberry Jelly 桂花枸杞冻

Ingredients 材料 :

120g Natural molasses sugar 天然黑糖蜜 (紅糖)
1 tbsp agar-agar powder (燕菜粉)
1 tsp konnyaku jelly powder (蒟蒻粉)
750ml water(水)
1 1/2 tbsp Osmanthus (桂花)
40g wolfberries (枸杞)
1 can longan(罐头龙眼)

Monday, April 1, 2019

Doggie German Cookies 旺旺德式饼

Cute Doggie German Cookies, looks easy to make but in fact is even easier, we can have a try bake it together.

Ingredients 材料 :

250g butter (牛油)
90g icing sugar (糖粉)
250g potato starch (马铃薯粉)
150g plain flour (普通面粉)

Peanut Candy 花生糖

Ingredients 材料 :

1 kg peanuts without skin(去皮花生)
250ml cooking oil (食油)
350g maltose (麦芽糖)
100g sugar (白砂糖)
1 tsp salt(盐)

60g white sesame seeds(白芝麻)

Friday, March 22, 2019

Mung Bean Almond Cookies 绿豆杏仁饼

Ingredients 材料 :

200g roasted mung bean flour (綠豆粉)
100g plain flour (普通面粉)
80g icing sugar (糖粉)
60g vegetable shortening (白油)
1 tbsp corn oil(玉米油)

100g roasted almond nibs (烘香杏仁粒)

Bake in a preheated oven at 160°C for 20-25 minuets.